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How to take good pictures with phone camera?

Do you always find yourself in a frenzy while you go clickety-click with your camera phone? Gone are the days when a cellphone was just meant to make and receive calls. But, if you are one of those people whose day is not complete without ‘Instagramming’ food pictures or best outfit, then you must acquaint yourself with some basic rules. Also, remember that you need not have a degree in photography to glam up your pictures with a phone!  :-)

Set your white balance: Have you ever noticed how the colours in your photos don’t look the same when perceived with the naked eye? Adjusting your white balance thus comes into the picture which helps you achieve the colours in your photos as accurately as possible. Today, most smartphones are adept at adjusting this by itself; at the same time you can also set it right by choosing a setting such as ‘daylight’, ‘night’ or ‘cloudy’ as per your requirement.

Use natural light: When we said you could do away with a flash, we meant make natural light your best friend! Check your light source before going on a clicking spree with your camera phone. It is always advisable to shoot your pictures in daylight, rather indoors with the help of artificial lights. You have to agree that the magic of natural light lies in the fact that it gives you sharper, less blurry images.

Clean your lens: Are you one of those who stows away her cellphone in the most cluttered pouch of her handbag or dirty jeans pocket? While it is easier to keep your grubby hands off the camera lens, it’s not the same when it comes to your camera phone. Therefore, it is wise to give your lens a wipe down each time you go about snapping photos. Remember that a dirty lens can make all your efforts go down the drain!

Avoid digital zoom: You don't want pixelated photos, now do you? Your smartphone may come with a 12 megapixel camera, but if you are using the zoom feature to take photos, be assured of grainy results. The point is that you can always edit your photos later using one of the several editing software. 

Download photo apps: ‘Tis the age of smart apps – so why not download some of the latest applications for some incredible results using your smartphone. While the world goes crazy with its latest Instagram obsession, we also suggest you try out some of the cooler photo apps available on Android, iPhone and Windows platforms. While Android users can click away with Pixlr Express, Picsart and Photo Grid, iPhone users can bank on Photo Studio and the latest Kanvas app!

Have fun with add-ons: If you thought filters were enough to glam up your photos, then you ought to give this one a try. Add-on features like collage, masks, clip art graphics, stickers, frames, borders and text effects are some of the coolest things that you can use to make your photos stand out. Now everybody can be an artist, eh!

Edit, edit & edit: So you believe that your smartphone is capable of producing fantastic results with its in-built editing features? While it is perfectly sane to do so, we suggest you take it a step further and edit them on a computer. Take your photos in high resolution so that you can treat them as you want later.

Use your flash sensibly: You could almost do away with a flash considering the fact that it makes for some terrible results. Nevertheless, it is always better to take a photo in poor light than to take one in none at all, don’t you think? So give yourself a good number of options to choose from; who knows you may discover that by turning off the flash you have a much better picture.



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